Arjen van der Cruijsen Lichtontwerp

Lighting Design

Showroom Autotron Exclusive Cars


Showroom Autotron Exclusive Cars


Autotron Exclusive Cars


Company, showroom, indoor

Showroom waar goede verlichting de auto’s in de schijnwerpers zet


Lighting showroom

Create a lighting design for Autotron Exclusive Cars. Take into account the available daylight, the desired ‘experience effect’ for the visitor and customer and that every car deserves the same amount of attention in terms of light. The cars should look the same inside and out.



  • The basic lighting provides functional and pleasant illumination of the room.

Image and marketing

  • Each car is accentuated in space by means of light. Due to the calculated use of spots, every car gets the same amount of attention.

  • The lighting provides a luxurious look.

Durability and comfort

  • Daylight plays an important role in this design, so that artificial light hardly needs to be used. This results in considerable energy savings.

  • By installing four skylights, the experience in the showroom changes day by day. This is nice and feels natural. At the same time, this ensures that the light inside and outside has the same effect.

daylight for a fresh and energetic feeling



fully equipped with energy-efficient LED fixtures


creates a luxurious atmosphere and attracts customers

Customer review


Get to know us and find out how we can light up your world. Durable and cost efficient.